
Automatic Tyre Killers - the Solution to Prevent Hostile Vehicles

The safety of warehouses and workplaces goes beyond the visible entry and exit of a place. 

Australian Bollards - Tyre Killer Installation

Recently, Australian Bollards installed an Automatic Tyre Killer (AB-TK-SB) at the entrance for a warehouse complex in Arndell Park, NSW. Australian Bollards offer various types of hostile vehicle mitigation solutions using bollards, fencing, barriers and more.  

This warehouse complex houses storage facilities for Coles, Americold and Greenbox. By implementing an automatic tyre killer, it can help prevent access to unauthorised vehicles at any given time.

The AB-TK-SB acts an automatic speed hump, enforcing restricted access to areas such as warehouses, airports, military bases, industrial sites, childcare centres and more.

This is done using spikes that rise and fall to manage traffic upon entering and exiting. If a vehicle were to drive over one of these tyre killers, it would puncture the tires and prevent the vehicle from going any further. Automatic Tyre Killers (AB-TK-SB-AUTOMATIC) can also be paired with boom gates to help increase safety and decrease unauthorised access.

In fact, they have the power to stop trucks with a load capacity of approximately 50 tons. Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) products offer safe and quality solutions to industrial spaces and warehouse complexes.

They can help to prevent hostile vehicles to protect the safety of people and infrastructure. They have a manual and automatic function that allows access at all times when needed. 

Designed and manufactured in Australia, Australian Bollards provide necessary solutions to increase safety and manage hostile environments.

Ensure your workplace is safe with our Automatic Tyre Killers.

For more information on our range of products and services, contact us on +613 9459 3488 or visit our website today. 

Keep it Safe. Keep it Local. Keep it Australian Made.

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