Australian Bollards - The Telescopic Bollard

Australian Bollards has a range of high-security systems such as the telescopic, hydraulic and pneumatic bollards. The telescopic bollard is a new and innovative product that’s technology has allowed the use of automatic bollards for higher security solutions to be installed in certain areas where underground services or lack of space for excavation may cause an issue.

The advanced telescopic bollard is engineered to be PAS68 compliant. PAS68 is a specification for vehicle security barriers (VSB) that must be met in order to majorly assist in the act of terrorism or crime.

The Telescopic bollard is a high-impact safety protection solution, due to their compliance's and stainless-steel aesthetic look, the telescopic bollard is able to protect property and vehicles along with providing an access-control system due to its retractable feature while looking pleasing to the eye. They are able to slide back into the ground controlling traffic flow if required or so they don’t become a hazard or obstruction if they are not of use at the certain time.

Australian Bollards also provides a hydraulic (AB-275K4-900S) and pneumatic (AB-PB168-900S) bollard, both are high impact access-control solutions. The hydraulic bollard is a heavy duty “impact attack” defence bollard that is able to protect against vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).

The pneumatic bollard is usually installed at a vehicle entry/exit and control point. It can be remotely-controlled that allows the bollard to retract to ground level if necessary, perfectly suited for access-control and high impact protection.

The telescopic Bollard has been engineered to comply with PAS68 standard stopping a vehicle travelling at a speed of 64km/h and weighing 7,500kg.

For more information on our telescopic bollards and range of high-security systems feel free to contact us on +613 9459 3488 or visit our website.

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